Along the path that from the hill of the Telegraph descends towards
La Spezia, you cross the road that leads to Biassa, and you go into a forest that leads to the ancient Fortress of Coderone.
Erected in the middle of the 13th century at the behest of Genoa, in order to defend the access to the coast from the nearby Carpa, submissive to the Pisans. It is mentioned for the first time in 1273 in the Act of foundation of that Podesteria. It was endowed with a church dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene, of which are still visible some ruins.
The castle of Biassa, best known as the fortress of Coderone (Castrum Coderonis), was in time used as a stronghold, with attached a chapel now disappeared, then as an aristocratic dwelling, in which they seem to have stayed illustrious characters like Caterina de ' Medici, traveling to go to marry the son of the King of France, Pope Clement VII, who reached the aforementioned grandson in Marseille for the wedding , Pope Paul III, returning from Nice and the emperor Charles V who right from the Gulf of La Spezia will leave for the unfortunate feat in Algeria.
Now in ruins, of the castle you can still distinguish the mighty external walls, on the left side, the wall presents a void that seems left specially and not fruit of decay and abandonment.
According to some "pseudo-scientists" (Professors Calzolari and Benedetto and engineer Berti, scholar of Radiogeoestesia), inserting the hand inside this cavity, one could perceive sensations of force transmitted by the rock that induce the visitor to acquire "decision-making force".
Near the castle, in a stretch of road downhill, there is a rock partly dug by man, from the stretch similar to a staircase.
A few meters, there is a flat area on which is located a long stone in the direction of the Costa Paradiso, perhaps a rudimentary tool to control the motion of the constellations.
Marco Curti